Tuesday, October 23, 2007

28 September 2007: the bad cook

I often quietly confess to groups of slow readers that my secret is that I find cooking difficult. I hate cooking because I am so bad at it. I use lots of excuses not to cook. I am better at making excuses than at cooking!

Friends, who are good cooks, do more cooking because they like it and so, through practice, get even better.

I ask the children if it is the same for them with their reading. They look relieved as they say it is just the same!

But now I have found something else I am not good at...building this web site! I struggle and fret and know all my friends are better at it than me. You see, I have this dream, that this show-me-wow web site will one day go all round the world, helping teachers in poorly resourced schools. I am determined to achieve this dream, especially when I, like the pupil below, see a globe, On this particular little globe, Dominica is a tiny spot. But it is certainly there. So from little spots, mighty web sites grow. So I'll go on web siting as I shout over my shoulder, "Darling, what's for supper?"

1 comment:

Melinda said...

We all have these moments, no worries!

Maybe you'd be interested in a service I just started where I provide customized dinner plans for individuals that include grocery lists and recipes, and take into account your time, budget, nutritional needs, and taste!

I’d like to hear your thoughts about the new service and if this is something you would consider trying or hearing more about? Contact me at feucht22@gmail.com.


Melinda Feucht